Hiver 2011

Publications 2011

Weber K. and Mejia-Ramos J.P. (online first) Why and how mathematicians read proofs: an exploratory study Educational Studies in Mathematics

Iannone P., Inglis M., Mejía-Ramos J.P., Simpson A. and Weber K. (online first) Does generating examples aid proof production? Educational Studies in Mathematics

Pedemonte B. and Reid D. (online first) The role of abduction in proving processes Educational Studies in Mathematics

Arzarello F. and Sabena C. (online first) Semiotic and theoretic control in argumentation and proof activities Educational Studies in Mathematics

Lee K.-H. and Shiraman B. (online first) Conjecturing via reconceived classical analogy Educational Studies in Mathematics

Ouvriet-Buffet C. (online first) A mathematical experience involving defining processes: in-action definitions and zero-definitions Educational Studies in Mathematics

Hemmi K. (2011) Three styles characterising mathematicians’ pedagogical perspectives on proof Educational Studies in Mathematics 75, 3 p. 271-291

Bass H. (2011) Book review: Proof in Mathematics Education: An Endangered Species? A Review of Teaching and Learning Proof Across the Grades: A K–16  Perspective Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 42, 1 p. 98-99

Harel G.; Rabin M.J. (2011) Teaching Practices That Can Promote the Authoritative Proof Scheme Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 10, 2 p. 139-159

Publications 2009

Boero P., Consogno V., Guala E., Gazzolo T. (2009) Research for innovation : A teaching sequence on the argumentative approach to probabilistic thinking in Grades I-V and some related basic research resultsRecherche en Didactique des Mathématiques , 29 (1)


The following papers will be presented at the next Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Rzeszów, Poland, 9th to 13th February 2011

Arzarello F. Sabena C. (2011) Meta-cognitive unity in indirect proofs

Baccaglini-Frank A. (2011) Abduction in generating conjectures in dynamic geometry through maintaining dragging

Boero P. (2011) Argumentation and proof: discussing a "successful" classroom discussion

Brunner E., Reusser K., Pauli C. (2011) Mathematical proving on secondary school level I: supporting student understanding through different types of proof. A video analysis

Cramer J. (2011) Everyday argumentation and knowledge construction in mathematical tasks

Cyr S. (2011) Development of beginning skills in proving and proof-writing by elementary school students

Hemmi K., Löfwall C. (2011) Making discovery function of proof visible for upper secondary school students

Kondratieva M. (2011) Designing interconnecting problems that support development of concepts and reasoning

Mamona-Downs J., Downs M. (2011) Proof: a game for pedants?

Pedemonte B. (2011) Conjecturing and proving in AlNuSet

Perry P., Molina Ó., Camargo L., Samper C. (2011) Analysing the proving activity of a group of three students

Pfeiffer K. (2011) A schema to analyse students' proof evaluations

Modeste S., Ouvrier-Buffet C. (2011) The appearance of algorithms in curricula, a new opportunity to deal with proof?

Morou A. P., Kalospyros N. A. E. (2011) The role of logic in teaching, learning and analyzing proof

Raman M., Ohman L.-D. (2011) Two beautiful proofs of Pick's theorem

Reuterswärd E., Hemmi K. (2011) Upper secondary school teachers' views of proof and the relevance of proof in teaching mathematics

Rinvold R. A., Lorange A. (2011) Multimodal derivation and proof in algebra

Tsujiyama Y. (2011) On the role of looking back at proving processes in school mathematics: focusing on argumentation

Viholainen A. (2011) The view of mathematics and argumentation

DC Proof: Learn how to write mathematical proofs

Dan Christensen
London, Canada

DC Proof is a downloadable, PC-based proof checker that can be used to teach basic proof-writing skills for undergraduates and advanced high school students.  For testimonials, more information and a free, full-function download, visit the website.

More information

Seminario Nazionale di Ricerca in Didattica della Matematica

La ricerca didattica nei campi di esperienza, 1989-2010: Contributi sulla costruzione dei concetti e sull'approccio al pensiero teorico in matematica

Paolo BOERO, Nadia DOUEK, Rossella GARUTI
Rimini, 27-29 gennaio 2011

In questo seminario verrà fornito un inquadramento teorico delle ricerche in didattica della matematica nei campi di esperienza e la sua evoluzione dal 1989 ad oggi evidenziando aspetti epistemologici, culturali e cognitivi. Verrà inoltre introdottta la costruzione argomentativa dei concetti della matematica nei campi di esperienza mediante un inquadramento teorico (N. Douek). In ultimo verrà affrontato il costrutto teorico del “Gioco delle voci e degli echi” per l'approccio al pensiero teorico in matematica: ripensando alle ricerche svolte negli anni della mediazione semiotica  in una prospettiva vygostkiana.


Thème 2 de la 16e école d'été de didactique des mathématiques 2011: Le langage dans les théories et recherches en didactique des mathématiques

21 août 2011 - 15:00 au 28 août 2011 - 11.00

L’école d’été abordera deux thèmes dont le deuxième questionnera la place du langage, notamment le langage naturel, dans les approches et recherches en didactique des mathématiques. On veut d’aborder ce thème en questionnant le statut et le rôle du langage dans les recherches en didactique des mathématiques relativement aux phénomènes d’enseignement des mathématiques et de construction des savoirs mathématiques. Nous voulons aussi questionner les fonctions et apports spécifiques dans les diverses théories et méthodologies. Il serait aussi intéressant d’étudier l’évolution de la recherche sur la question des relations entre langage naturel et langage des mathématiques depuis la recherche pionnière de Laborde (1982). L’enjeu est de comprendre dans quel sens il est possible de considérer le langage naturel en didactique des mathématiques.

Les intervenants du thème sont:
Cours 1 : Maria Alessandra Mariotti (Université de Sienne, Italie)
Cours 2 : Marie-Jeanne Perrin (Université d'Artois) - Marianna Bosch (Facultat d'Economia IQS, Universitat Ramon Llull, Espagne)
Cours 3 : Viviane Durand-Guerrier (Université Montpellier 2)
Cours 4 : Maryse Rebière (IUFM d’Aquitaine, Université de Bordeaux)

Pour en savoir plus...

Editorial Board

Editors-in-chief – Bettina Pedemonte, Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
Associate Editors – Orly Buchbinder, Kirsti Hemmi, Mara Martinez
Redactor – Bettina Pedemonte
Scientific Board – Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Patricio Herbst, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis, Michael Otte, Philippe Richard, Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers, Virginia Warfield