Automne 2022

Publications 2022

Evans, T., Mejía-Ramos, J.P. & Inglis, M. (2022) Do mathematicians and undergraduates agree about explanation quality? Educational Studies in Mathematics 111(3), 445–467.

Marco, N., Palatnik, A. & Schwarz, B.B. (2022) When is less more? Investigating gap-filling in proofs without words activities. Educational Studies in Mathematics 111(2), 271–297.

Zhuang, Y., Conner, A. (2022) Teachers’ use of rational questioning strategies to promote student participation in collective argumentation. Educational Studies in Mathematics 111(2), 345–365.

Weber, K., Tanswell, F.S. (2022) Instructions and recipes in mathematical proofs. Educational Studies in Mathematics 111(1), 73–87

Weber, K., Mejía-Ramos, J.P. & Volpe, T. (2022) The Relationship Between Proof and Certainty in Mathematical Practice. Journal for Research in mathematics Education 53 (1), 65-84.

Dawkins, P.C., Roh, K.H. (2022) Aspects of predication and their influence on reasoning about logic in discrete mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education 54 (4), 881–893.

Gravier, S., Ouvrier-Buffet, C. (2022) The mathematical background of proving processes in discrete optimization—exemplification with Research Situations for the Classroom. ZDM Mathematics Education 54 (4), 925–940.

Hanna, G., & Yan, X. (2022) Teaching with computer-based proof assistants: Perspectives from instructors of mathematics. Canadian Mathematics Society Notes, 54(3).

Publications 2021

Hanna, G., & Yan, X. (2021) Opening a discussion on teaching proof with automated theorem provers. For the learning of mathematics, 41(3), 42-46

Publications 2019

Hanna, G., Reid, D., & de Villiers, M. (Eds.). (2019) Proof technology inmathematics research and teaching. New York: Springer.

45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Alicante, Spain - 18-23 July, 2022

Proceedings of the conference can be found here:

Working groups

David A. Reid, Yusuke Shinno, Taro Fujita. International perspectives on proof and proving: Recent results and future directions, Vol. 1, 211-213

Research Reports

Boero, Paolo; Turiano, Fiorenza. A case study on students’ approach to Euclidean proof in the rationality perspective, Vol. 2, 83-90

Amal Kadan-Tabaja, Michal Yerushalmy. Engaging with online elaborated feedbacks as a mediation tool in the mathematical argumentation process. Vol. 3, 11-18

Peter Michael Klöpping. What is convincing? - primary student teachers understanding of mathematical arguments.Vol. 3, 35-42

Jens Krummenauer, Franziska Gutensohn, Johanna Aichele, Maria Emhart, Sebastian Kuntze. Argumentation based on statistical data at the very beginning of primary school - evidence from two empirical studies. Vol. 3, 75-82

Samaher Nama, Michal Ayalon. Exploring change in secondary mathematics teachers' noticing of argumentation. Vol. 3, 227-234

Hiroki Otani, David Reid, Yusuke Shin. How are proof and proving conceptualized in mathematics curriculum documents in the usa and japan? Vol. 3, 267-274

Sporn, Femke; Sommerhoff, Daniel; Heinze, Aiso. Students’ knowledge about proof and handling proof Vol. 4, 27-34

Sepideh, Stewart; Tien, Tran. Linear algebra proofs: ways of understanding and ways of thinking in the formal world Vol. 4, 43-50

Sheena Tan. Dialogic-dialectic mathematical argumentation Vol. 4, 99-106

Oral communications

Matías Arce, Laura Conejo. Knowledge deployed by preservice teachers in a teaching experiment about reasoning and proving.Vol 4, 170

Ryoto Hakamata, Fiene Bredow, Christine Knipping, Takeshi Miyakawa, Yusuke Shinno. Comparing the usage of proof-related words in german and japanese mathematics textbooks. Vol 4, 221.

Marta Saccoletto, Francesca Martignone. Investigating argumentative process in solving probability problems. Vol 4, 283.

Camilo Sua, Maria Alessandra Mariotti. The role of the dotted line: from 2-dimensional to 3- dimensional geometry. Vol 4, 299.


Nickl, Michael; Sommerhoff, Daniel; Böheim, Ricardo; Ufer, Stefan; Seidel, Tina. Assessing students' proof skills: Supporting preservice teachers with scaffolding. Vol 4, 382.

ICME-14 - 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education

Shanghai, China
July 11 to 18, 2021


Invited lectures

Nicolas Balacheff. The Transition from Mathematical Argumentation to Mathematical Proof, A Learning and Teaching Challenge.


Topic Study Group 16 (TSG 16) - Reasoning, argumentation and proof in mathematics education

Chair: Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Montpellier University, France
Co-chair: Samuele Antonini, University of Pavia, Italy
Kotaro Komatsu, Shinshu University, Japan
Nadia Azrou, University Yahia Fares of Medea, Algeria
Chao Zhou, Soochow University, China

Nadia Azrou. Writing a proof text at the university level: the role of knowing what a proof is.

Faiza Chellougui. Formalisation of proof. a tool for researcher.

Younggon Bae. Student interpretation of diagram in hyperbolic geometry: changes in the ontology of geometric models.

Gwisoo Na, Eric Knuth. A comparative study of example use in the proving-related activities of korean and american students.

Michael Meyer, Christoph Koerner, Julia Rey. When is an argument an argument? area-specific aspects of argument-rezeption.

Horacio Cristian Solar, Manuel Goizueta, Maria Aravena-Diaz, Andres Ivan Ortiz Jimenez. Articulation of argumentation and mathematical modelling in the math classroom.

Ho-Chieh Lin. Fostering third graders fraction conceptions through argumentation and technology.

Simone Jablonski, Matthias Dieter Ludwig. Changes in the argumentation characteristics of mathematically gifted students - a longitudinal study.

Carlotta Soldano. An inquiring-game for discovering and proving a geometric theorem.

Shogo Murata. The function of definition in japanese textbooks.

Leander Kempen. Investigating the difference between generic proofs and purely empirical verfications.

Chun-Yeung Lee. Proof and reasoning in high-stakes testing systems: the senior secondary mathematics curricula in hong kong and international baccalaureate diploma programme.

Markos Dallas. Mathematics classroom argumentation: an interactional perspective.

Milena Damrau. Understanding the generality of mathematical statements and the role proofs play.

Yoshiki Shibata, Tadashi Misono. Is there any difference in students' descriptions due to direction differences in a deductive reasoning task?

Xiaoheng (Kitty) Yan, Gila Hanna. Computer-assisted proving in the classroom.

Yuling Zhuang, Anna Marie Conner. An application of habermas' theory of validity claims for classroom-based argumentation.

Orly Buchbinder, Sharon Mc Crone. Characterizing mathematics teachers proof-specific knowledge, dispositions and classroom practices.

Lei Hao, P-Jen Lin. A comparative study of geometric proof opportunities in taiwan and mainland middle school textbooks.

Salvador Huitzilopochtli, Daniel Lopez-Adame, Judit Moschkovich. Using writing and discussions to support mathematical arguments in early algebra.

Kwong Cheong Wong. Justifications in exposition in algebra in school mathematics textbooks in hong kong.

Lucas Carato Mazzi. Different types of reasoning in geometry in brazilian high school mathematics textbooks.

Tomohiro Makino. Cognitive characteristics generating incomplete proof: analyzing the solving process of a geometrical problem by japanese ninth graders.

Sikander Ali, Trond Stoelen Gustavsen, Sigurd Johannes Hals, Andrea Hofmann, Silje Trai. Caught in-between tensions in teaching proof and proving.

Andreas Stylianides, Gabriel Stylianides. Posing new researchable questions as a dynamic process: the case of research on students' justification schemes.

Yaoyao Dong, Jian Liu. Analysis of analogical reasoning exercises in primary school mathematics textbooks: taking geometry field as an example.

Xin Zheng, Jing Cheng. Regional and gender differences in chinese 8th grade students' mathematical reasoning competency.

Yi Zhang, Xiaopeng Wu. A study of the teaching process of mathematical concept argumentation based on tap-- taking function concept teaching between expert teacher and novice teacher in china as a case.

All topic study groups

Editorial Board

Editors-in-chief – Bettina Pedemonte, Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
Associate Editors – Orly Buchbinder, Kirsti Hemmi, Mara Martinez
Redactor – Bettina Pedemonte
Website – Eric Bainville
Scientific Board – Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Patricio Herbst, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis, Michael Otte, Philippe Richard, Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers, Virginia Warfield