Printemps 2022

Publications 2022

Rim H., Kim B. (2022) Analysis of proof content in Korea, Japan, and IB middle school mathematics curriculum and textbooksJournal of Curriculum and Evaluation 2022, 25(2):89-117.

Madawistama, S. T., Heryani , Y., & Kurniawan, D. (2022) Three zone learning concepts to improve mathematical proof of probability theoryJournal Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah Di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika, 8(1), 27-38.

Urhan, S., Bülbül, A. (2022) Analysis of mathematical proving in geometry based on Habermas' construct of rationalityMathematics Education Research Journal (open access)

Miyazaki, M., Fujita, T., Iwata, K., & Jones, K. (2022) Level-spanning proof-production strategies to enhance students’ understanding of the proof structure in school mathematicsInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (open access)

Balacheff, N., Almoloud, S.A., Moretti, M.T. (2022)  Um estudo dos processos de prova dos alunos no colégio (A study of students’ proving processes at the junior high-school level)Educ. Matem. Pesq., São Paulo, 24(1), 698-721

Balacheff, N., Almoloud, S.A., Moretti, M.T. (2022)  (2022). A argumentação matemática: um precursor problemático da demonstração (Mathematical argumentation, the problematic precursor of demonstration)Educ. Matem. Pesq., São Paulo, 24(1), 770-815.

Publications 2021

Wiworo, W. (2021) Teachers’ Competencies in Doing Direct Proof in Geometry In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education 2021 (NaCoME 2021) SeriesAdvances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 656.

Nurhayati, Suryani, D.R., Nur’aini, K. D. (2021) The Effect of Blended Learning on Students’ Mathematical Proving AbilityIn Proceedings of the International Joined Conference on Social Science (ICSS 2021. Series: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research.

Kempen L.  (2021) Investigating the difference between generic proofs and purely empirical verificationsIn Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China.

Validações matemáticas produzidas por alunos do nono ano do ensino fundamental: desafios e possibilidades

Thesis: Liana Krakecker
Curso de Doutorado em Educação Matemática da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul
Campo Grande – MS 2022


In this research, we had the general objective of investigating mathematical validation processes developed by students from a 9th grade class of Elementary School of a state public school in Mato Grosso, during the academic year of 2020. Specifically, we sought to identify how the students analyzed formulated and presented mathematical validations for their statements and/or conjectures, classifying mathematical proofs that were produced by them, as well as to identify elements related to the activities developed by the students that could favor the production of validations.
We analyzed the interaction we had with two students, considering our dialogues, speeches, writings and the resolutions presented by them for each activity, seeking to meet our research objectives. For the elaboration, application and analysis of situations, we rely mainly on Balacheff's Proof Typology Model, on Brousseau's Theory of Didactic Situations, possible functions of the mathematical proof signaled by De Villiers and other authors, as well as on research that dealt with the theme. At the end of this process, it was possible to identify that the students started to consider performing several tests and generalization elements in their tests.


The Teaching and Learning of Geometric Proof: Roles of the Textbook and the Teacher

Thesis: Mara P. Markinson
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University


Geometric proof-writing is a widely known cause of stress for secondary school students and teachers alike. As the textbook is the primary curricular tool utilized by novice teachers, a two- part qualitative study was conducted to determine (a) the types of proofs presented in a typical high school geometry textbook and (b) teachers’ preparedness and confidence to teach proof and proving.
I conducted a qualitative analysis of the selected textbook based on its presentation of proofs and proof tasks, and then used said analysis to inform the creation of a five-question content assessment on proof, which was administered to 29 preservice and in-service secondary mathematics teacher participants.


Editorial Board

Editors-in-chief – Bettina Pedemonte, Maria-Alessandra Mariotti
Associate Editors – Orly Buchbinder, Kirsti Hemmi, Mara Martinez
Redactor – Bettina Pedemonte
Scientific Board – Nicolas Balacheff, Paolo Boero, Daniel Chazan, Raymond Duval, Gila Hanna, Guershon Harel, Patricio Herbst, Celia Hoyles, Erica Melis, Michael Otte, Philippe Richard, Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Michael de Villiers, Virginia Warfield