Janvier/Février 1999


On proof, the logic of practice of geometry teaching
and the two-column proof format


Patricio G. Herbst
Michigan State University

Extended version


In the practice of mathematics education in the United States of America, proof has been usually associated with a year-long high school course in geometry and with a specific format -- the two-column proof format. In Sekiguchi's (1991) ethnographic study of one of those geometry courses, he describes the two-column-proof format as follows:

One draws a long horizontal line and a vertical line downward from the middle to form a letter T, creating two columns under the horizontal line. In the left column, one writes a deductive sequence of statements leading to the statement to prove, numbering each statement. For each step of the deduction one has to write in the right column a reason for the deduction with a corresponding number. (pp. 78-79)

The reasons given for each statement usually identify a given (hypothesis), postulate, axiom, theorem, or definition&emdash;one and only one of them per line&emdash;on which the statement is warranted. Figure 1 shows an example quoted from a recent text:


A two-column proof (following Clemens et al., 1994, p. 301).
Figure 1.


Two-Column Proofs and the Logic of Practice

The observer of a lesson in which a two-column proof is being developed is likely to have the sense that there is more to say about two-column proofs than is entailed by a static account of its graphical appearance. In fact, the observer may note that, beside the difference in form between a two-column proof and the geometric proofs one can read in professional mathematical writing (e.g., in Hilbert, 1899/1971), there are notable differences in substance (what can be stated, what can be omitted, what must be stated, how it must be stated, etc.) as well. Thus, even though to start the argument I pick on the two-column proof formatæas a sort of imaginary foeæ, the argument aims at the reciprocally shaping interactions between form and content that take place in the logic of practice of geometry teaching. Vygotsky has made us aware of the central role of tools and signs in shaping human action, as Wertsch (1991) quotes:

By being included in the process of behavior, the psychological tool alters the entire flow and structure of mental functions. It does this by determining the structure of a new instrumental act, just as a technical tool alters the process of a natural adaptation by determining the form of labor operations. (pp. 32-33)

If the two-column proof format is one such technical tool in the practice of geometry teaching (in the United States), it seems sensible to ask how its presence in the practice shapes (and is shaped by) the knowledge at stake in the practice.
   As with the exposition of any mathematical proof, the original practices and roles of the agents involved in its production are obliterated in favor of a textual practice regulated by a different economics of communication. In the case of the two-column proof format, the piecemeal organization of this textual practice affords the fictitious reconstruction of the production of a proof to a special kind of reader. What is displayed can be read almost like a catechism text -- a uniform sequence of "(I state this) because (of that reason)." The mathematical argument may or may not follow, but certainly it can "be followed," as the reasons impose a uniform metric that determines what is an acceptable (complete) list of statements: The sequel to a given statement must always be exactly one reason away. As a result, the proof can be surveyed by an ordered sequence of checkpoints -- each line of the proof -- and checked for the adequacy of the coupling of statements and reasons&emdash;independently of their strategic pertinence in the whole argument. Hence, a proof can sometimes be rejected on the basis that, after one specific step, things "started to go wrong," which also implies, however, that whatever was done before that step can nonetheless be saved as it had been "okay" up to that point.
   Such things may happen in usual forms of mathematical proof writing; the two-column proof format is an institutional form of coercion on the participants that ensures that those things do in fact happen. The two-column proof format works like the implicit command to "show your work" does for the case of long division (in elementary school mathematics, in the U. S. A., see Figure 2). To get credit for his or her work in a long division exercise, the student must write all partial products (such as 56 or 84) and explicitly do the subtractions: In particular, those steps trace the emergence of partial dividends such as 98 or 144, hence legitimize their presence. In the practice of long division, the presence of all steps on the paper works in concert not just with the student's mastery of a procedure, but also with the teacher's proficient control over the student's learning (of the procedure) and with the teacher's identification of the knowledge at stake (to know division means to know how to divide).

A long division.
Figure 2.

Just as the long division algorithm complies with the purpose of finding a quotient and a remainder, the two-column proof format does comply with the task of providing a proof. But these kind of proofs are not really offered to a community that aims at establishing the validity of a proposition (Balacheff, 1987, p. 147). Rather, like long division with all its partial products and subtractions, two-column proofs are offered to the teacher whose agenda is neither to be convinced of the validity of a proposition nor to be enlightened by the ideas of the proof. The teacher's agenda is not even to rejoice in the elegance of an argument, but to check the degree to which the expected sequence of steps for each proof-exercise has been achieved.
   Two-column proofs do not have in the class the role that a mathematical proof has within the mathematical community. Rather, a two-column proof is a routine exercise whose purpose is to reproduce itself (that is, teachers do some proofs to model how students should do them, and students do some proofs to learn how to do proofs).

The perfection of "learning to prove" using the two-column proof format can be operationalized by piecemeal adjustments (search for an "intermediate" statement, search for the "right" reason, etc.). Yet, the transfer of the knowledge gained by one such proof to other situations that call that knowledge into play can be a matter completely different from knowing "how to do" the proof&emdash;as much as the knowledge of the long division procedure does not seem to guarantee students' understanding of the meaning of division. (See Schoenfeld, 1988, especially the busing problem on p. 150, and the proof-construction problems on p.152-158).

At a fortunate point in time in which the importance of proof comes back to the American rhetoric on mathematics education (see Kilpatrick, 1997; Wu, 1997; Ross, 1998; NCTM, 1998, pp. 80-85), it seems in order to discuss the nuances around notions of proof, formal proof, two-column proof, argumentation, and so on. My purpose is not just to indicate that there is more to mathematical proof than the use of the two-column proof format: That assertion may be commonplace and the NCTM Standards (1989) had explicitly brought it to the fore by recommending to increase attention to "deductive arguments expressed orally and in sentence or paragraph form" (p. 126) and to decrease attention to "two-column proofs" (p. 127). Rather, my purpose is to outline the role played in the practice of geometry teaching by formats such as the two-column proof format in shaping conceptions of geometry, reasoning, and mathematical proof. Such an outline may afford elements for a critique of an ideologically handy, yet objectionable, belief that relates the use of the two-column proof format in the classroom with providing students experiences in rigor and formalism in mathematics.
   On the one hand, the cultural imperative that school mathematics must aim at reproducing the conditions of production of mathematical knowledge implies that school mathematics must afford students opportunities to learn to prove, expose them to culturally relevant proofs, and familiarize them with the meaning of proof in constructing and validating mathematical knowledge. On the other hand, students' meaningful learning of mathematics is more likely to happen within practices that resemble those of the production of mathematical knowledge. Insofar as rigor and formalism serve the mathematician not only to validate but also to construct knowledge, rigor and formalism are natural ingredients of practices in which mathematics can be meaningfully constructed. As the Draft for the Standards 2000 states,

It should be stressed that exploring, conjecturing, representing, and proving are all deeply connected aspects of mathematical thinking. "Reasoning" and "Proof" should not be thought of as separable from the bulk of mathematical activity. (NCTM, 1998, p. 85)

Given the usual oversimplifications in educational rhetoric, it seems important to note that an increased emphasis on argumentation and mathematical proof is indeed consistent with affording students opportunities to engage in mathematical practice (as rigor and formalism in mathematical practice are productive rather than restrictive). But that increased emphasis neither entails the need to teach two-column proofs (or any other format of proof) explicitly nor provides a warrant that the practice of two-column proofs will provide experiences in mathematical rigor or formalism.
   As a first step toward making a more general argument about the particular relations between proof, formalism, and argumentation, a longer version of this article (Herbst, 1999) discusses some conjectures on the historical circumstances that gave shape to the practice of two-column proofs in the history of mathematics teaching in the United States. The place of two-column proofs in the practice of teaching and learning mathematics has developed in interaction with some objects of discourse such as proof, geometry, and reasoning. The specific characteristics of those interactions partially account for the endurance of the two-column-proof format and for its possible association with rigor and formalism.
   The first chapters of a history of proof in American high school mathematics education are located in the study of geometry. The longer version of this article traces the changes of the notion of (what was meant by) studying geometry as witnessing the changing conceptions of mathematical proof, reasoning, and geometry itself. The reasons for the endurance of the two-column-proof format are to be found not in the circumstances of its punctual origin (such as when it was invented and by whom) but in the intrinsic characteristics of the practices that it came to serve and the practices that its presence made available. The following claims obtain support from the historical search documented in the longer version of this paper.

Some Claims on the Two-Column Proof Format

Based on observation of current practice of proof writing in high school, I concluded elsewhere (Herbst, 1998, pp. 239, 271) that the two-column proof format works in solidarity with a clear division of the discursive labor of student and teacher. The format affords teachers an implicit criterion to indicate what can be said (hence, it leaves unquestioned the control over epistemic operators such as know, need, can say, etc.). The format makes students accountable for producing an ordered list of "categorical" statements about a given figure, whereas it reserves to the teacher the decision as to whether the produced list of statements constitutes a valid argument.
   Those observations can explain why the two-column proof format may be better adapted to the logic or practice of geometry teaching than other (less regulated) forms of argumentation. From the perspective of the teacher, this format presents an efficient tool to ensure and control the production of an acceptable proof by the student. From the perspective of the student, the format does not make him or her accountable for the construction or the explanation of the geometric objects of knowledge or for the manufacturing of an argument. Instead, it requires him or her to produce empirical observations about the figure at hand.
   The two-column proof format also bounds what can be given to prove in the sense that it shapes the conceptions of what geometry is. Two-column proofs work best within a conception of geometry as the study of figures which have already been constructed and are always constructible. The study of geometry conceived in that way is a descriptive study governed by a general logic that emphasizes the logical connection between factual properties. To be clear, Euclidean geometry is indeed all of that but of necessity not just that. The practices unfolded around the two-column proof format seem to discourage a complementary conception of geometry that was central in Euclid's Elements and in the notions of Greek geometry (Caveing, 1990): Geometry is also the study of the conditions that make the figures constructible. In the study of geometry conceived in the latter way, the logical links between statements are pondered with respect to the substantive strength of the links: What makes a proposition valuable is not just that a proof exists but also that without a proof one cannot really know whether the assertion is true (because there is such a leap from the hypothesis to the conclusion). As the practice of two-column proofs needs a given figure and given statements of what is given and what is to prove, the conception of geometry as the study of necessary and sufficient conditions is deemphasized (and one can understand why students may proceed by trial and error in construction problems after having proved a statement that entails the construction procedure -- see Schoenfeld, 1988).

The two-column proof format bounds the conception of mathematical proof and of proving in mathematics. By separating the source of the statements that are formulated from the arguments that are made about them, this format emphasizes the role of proof as a certification method, separated from the search for knowledge or the construction of the mathematical objects of knowledge. By displacing the statement from the proof and enabling a policing of the statements that make up a proof, the two-column proof format breaks the dialectic between formulation and validation described by Lakatos (1976; see also Balacheff, 1991) and its underlying tension between interest to know and validity of knowledge.
   As a consequence of the previous observations, it can also be argued that the practices associated with the two-column proof format bypass the epistemological characteristics of mathematical reasoning. These practices foster a reduction of mathematical reasoning to an activity involving the psychology of the reasoning agents and the "natural" language with which they relate to a "given" mathematical world: Mathematical reasoning becomes just (general) logical reasoning applied to mathematical objects, whose conditions of existence are taken as given. Of course, mathematical reasoning certainly involves logical reasoning, yet what is problematic is the exclusion of an epistemological aspect specific to the mathematical objects being reasoned with and about. By identifying the logical precedence of "reasons" with their temporal precedence in the text being studied, mathematical reasoning becomes more of an activity of describing a "given" mathematical world than one of constructing a "possible" mathematical world (or mathematizing). Some consequences as to the value of mathematics in general education and to the nature of the transfer (of the study of mathematics to other situations) can be envisioned (see Judd, 1928; Skovsmose, 1992; Vygotsky, 1934/1986, pp. 146-209): Mathematical reasoning becomes suitable to reason about objects that are purely mathematical or that have already been mathematized elsewhere (such as the objects of the hard sciences), but is hardly deemed apt to reason about other objects (such as those of the soft sciences or ordinary life) beyond the level of appearances. By fostering the notion of proof as just logical reasoning about objects that are already mathematical, the two-column proof format collaborates to stop the scientific dialectic between empiricism and rationalism in the construction of mathematical objects of discourse (see Skovsmose, 1992, p. 6).

A Provisional Conclusion

The longer version of this article (Herbst, 1999) has proposed some conjectures regarding what historical circumstances permitted the two-column proof format to emerge and endure during the first half of the century in the United States. The two-column proof format itself did not remain unchanged, but adapted to fit the changing characteristics of the logic of practice that it served. Assuming those historical conjectures are plausible, I have argued that the interaction between (changing forms of) the two-column proof format and (changing conditions on the) study of geometry have contributed significantly to shape a conception of (school) geometry as the descriptive study of figures, a conception of mathematical proof as just a method for knowledge-certification, and a conception of mathematical reasoning as just logical reasoning about "given" mathematical objects of knowledge.
   These plausible effects, and not the physical form of two-column proofs are what is of interest: As one may note, current textbooks sometimes induce the students to write proofs in other formats as well (such as paragraph- or flow-proofs; see Rubinstein et al., 1995, p. 396) but what has been said about the two-column proof format could be said about the explicit teaching of alternative formats as well.
   From the perspective of the reader, the finished product looks like an argument that validates the proposition stated. A closer look shows that its production may not have any more meaning than the protocols used by lawyers or notaries, as indeed the division of labor in the practice that produces the proof does not look like the division of labor among a group of mathematicians manufacturing a mathematical argument. Two-column proofs can be called formal, but their formalism has little to do with the productive kind of rigor and formalism that helps mathematicians advance human understanding of mathematics (Thurston, 1995). Those formats play an important role in the logic of practice of geometry teaching, but they do not necessarily involve students in experiences with mathematical rigor and formalism.


Reactions? Remarks?

The reactions to the contribution of Patricio Herbst will be
published in the March/April 99 Proof Newsletter

© P. G. Herbst 1999




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